Wednesday 24 September 2008

Gratitude Journal

There is something I really wanna share with you now, since it really excites me. :)
Its been a tough few weeks for me, lots of stress and worries and lack of trust and all. I think I was just demanding too much of myself and resisted feeling low or sad. That created lots of confusion and tension, and I created challenging situations in my life. Maybe there was a bit of a culture shock after all, which I just did not see as such. But now I have consciously decided to stop this destructive pattern and really life life to the full, trust in the universe and be blissful. 

Today, I had an interview with the staff of  Stockholm Film Festival this year, where I want to volunteer. It looks like I will take care of one of the guests like a director or famous actor visiting the festival. In the past years, guest were no one less than Quentin Tarentino, Eliza Kazan and Jean-Luc Godard! So this is exciting stuff! I will report more when the time has come. The festival will be from 20-30 November 08. 

This is just one example of how the universe constantly supports our goals and heart-felt wishes. Life is, after all, not out to get us, but rather wants our happiness. The laws of the universe bend for LOVE.
The universe is abundance, constantly wanting to give. We just seem to have  a problem feeling worthy enough to accept this for us and being properly grateful. 

Who do you like giving to? Those who are happy and grateful for it or those who are mean? I guess I know the answer. ;) So shift your focus from lack to abundance and start seeing all the great things you have in your life already, and just by being grateful for these, you will attract more of the good stuff into your life. The exercise is simple: go out and buy a special empty book to write in, and then make the commitment of writing 30 things in there you are grateful for, every day. This is incredibly humbling, helping you to stop, think and really appreciate life's gifts!  You get more of what you focus on! Energy goes where attention flows. Once you have made the commitment, more abundance will come into your life. This is FUN! I feel such high vibrations now, love and gratitude are the forgotten powers that can magically transform your life in no time! 

Happy creating! All love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so true honey! life could b so wonderful n worth living if we think it's possible
we need to keep faith (even though some unexpected events come our way) n love always
mwah xxx