Wednesday 20 August 2008

A New Place called home

Oh my god, this is so amazing!It is actually 5.03 in the morning, the first morning in a new country, my new home! I still find it hard to realize this, and I think it will still take some time until I can fully grasp the whole extend of what this means....home-Sweden. Wow. I just feel so happy and over-excited, I would love to jump up from my bed on the living room floor and wake everyone up and dance through the house and tell the world how happy I am! :) There is a constant grin that has manifested on my face and I feel like I could hug everything. I think I am in love - with this beautiful country. It was this I feel. I just opened my eyes and looked out of the window and saw the Swedish flag right in front of me, hanging sleepy and  a little wrapped up from a balcony in the mornings clean light, 

Misty morning barefoot rumble. I took a picture to freeze this moment in time and remember it forever. I am so happy.  The scenery is beautiful, picturesque. I am looking out onto the sea, it is a cloudy day, covered in bright light, misty, chilly, amazing. Some people are up already too, riding their cars to work, minding their daily business. Another ordinary morning for Stockholm, but the most exciting morning for me! I could cry from happiness, my eyes are all teary. Maria Taylor is singing in my ear and I just feel so whoa..... !!!
Yesterday was was almost unreal, it was like spending the day in a bubble. I got off the plane and talked to an Australian on the bus. Time flew, and suddenly Manne was there to pick me up. I was feeling rusty so I decided I just had to go for a swim, even though it was a little chilly and windy. After a short brisk walk we got to the stadhus and Manne dived in the water from a three meter high wall, very brave. ;) I took it easy and jumped in from the lower stairs. The water was pretty much freezing, but after a little while it just felt so rejuvenating and amazing!!!! What a panoramic view of the whole city from there, in the water. 
Some Indian tourists admired our bravery.  Eventually we got out of the water, changed and embarked on a quest for food and wine. We stooped at a bar and enjoyed a glass, then went into ‚Hemköpp‘ and bought lots of fruit and veg. Manne met a friend from school and she had a German guy with her! So we decided to meet up for tonight's karaoke. Its gonna be fun.
Now I have to get up as quietly as possible not to wake everyone up, which would be really tempting, but no,..they would only be annoyed.  And I wanna make a pleasant house guest after all. :) Really deep and quietly happy inside. I drift through the days like walking on a cloud. I wonder how long this love-affair will last? What does it matter, time is not important, as long as I am here....

Sverige, mitt stora kärlek! Jag älskar dig! 


Tuesday 19 August 2008

Goodbye love

It's always easier to leave than to be left behind....

Saturday 16 August 2008

Aint no train to Stockholm?

Hm, the days are going by so fast, in only a few more days I will be embarking on another journey, Sweden is my new home of choice! 'All my bags are packed I am ready to go, I'm standing here outside my door, I hate to say goodbye...' Well, yes, I am leaving on a jet plane, Stockholm is my destination. I am glad and excited, but also a little sad to leave my beloved ones behind here...but every new beginning inherits a magic spell, which carries us, protects us, helps us to live. This is what the great German writer Herman Hesse knew long ago, wisdom is ageless. I told my plans to the guy in my local organic health food store, and another customer overheard the conversation. It turned out that he produces Documentaries about people who are moving countries! :) Its just a shame that its too late now, otherwise I would have been on German Television as the girl who goes to Sweden, hahahaha. :)

The best days are not planned, by common sense, by lack of time...this is just another great example that we do not live life, but life lives us! If we just learn to let go and release our lives to the universe, knowing that it only wants our happiness, then we have the best day ever-every day!

And yes, Erlend, there is a train to Stockholm, and this time it is for me. ;)

Monday 11 August 2008

A New Healthy and Vibrant Rawfood-Restaurant in Munich

Wow, this looks truly mouth-watering, doesn't it? Can you imagine that this creation is made all raw, vegan and cruelty-free?

Well, it is! You can now enjoy this amazing veggie sushi along with yummy salads, soups and health cocktails at the new raw and all-vegan restaurant and deli called SAF-Simple Authentic Food- in the heart of Munich, close to Marienplatz (the first city in Germany to have such an amazing place!).

Think super foods, detox, vegan,raw, vibrant, inspirational, wheatgrass, goji berries, healthy elixirs and smoothies, fresh juices, enzymes, alfalfa, herbal teas, coconut water, seaweed, well being, organic, aloe vera, pro-biotic, amino acids, fair trade, herbal remedies, natural beauty, bio dynamic, sprouts, vitamins....the list is inexhaustible! :) 

So its not just about the food! At SAFyou can be reading books and magazines as well as getting some natural beauty products, supplements, juicers and super foods to take home with you! They also distribute organic and fair trade T-shirts from the lovely Bioshirt Company. ;) With their shirts, you can really make a statement: 'I Love My Planet!' :) I think its a good idea to support them since they are a small company that really seems to care about Eco and fair trade matters. Check out their website

Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed while I was there, but the delightful Deli was open, offering us a great space to eat, relax, read and just indulge in some healthy hedonism. ;) The staff was friendly and the prices very affordable. We chose cocktails with green juices and aloe vera to start with, followed by various scoops of different salads from the 'buffet' and finished with some truly indulgent carrot/coconut/pumpkin cake and a cacao brownie- all vegan and life!!! No heating! ;) 'Eat cold and you'll become old' as the proverb goes :)

The only down point that really put me off and which I still want to mention here was that I think I noticed some white sugar in the allegedly entirely RAW cake! How dare they? ;) Don't they know that refined sugar is bad for you and that it does not belong into a healthy dessert? Whatever happened to agave nectar?!! 

Apart from this, I can totally recommend this place to anyone and it will be a rewarding experience. Look forward to some really nice (and budget!) food made with love and integrity away from the mainstream restaurant culture. Anyone to visit Munich, stop by, you will not regret it!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

saying of the day

When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone.

(Tennessee Williams, 'Don Quixote')

Monday 4 August 2008

Better Tate Than Never

As promised, now the first of the 'Philosopher's Notes' put together by Nadja! :)
I am so preoccupied with reading and writing at the moment that I find it hard to know what to begin with ;) I chose a quote by Eckhart Tolle, since his words are so profound and true at the deepest level. This one goes well with the Dyer quote I shared here before... Basically, stop the compulsive identification with forms and thoughts and observe reality as it is, here and now. Labels are for clothes, not for people! :) More to cummm soon! :)

''Identification with your mind creates an opaque screen of concepts, labels, images, words, judgments, and definitions that blocks all true relationship. It comes between you and yourself, between you and your fellow man and woman, between you and nature, between you and God. It is this screen of thought that creates the illusion of separateness, the illusion that there is you and a totally separate "other." You then forget the essential fact that, underneath the level of physical appearances and separate forms, you are one with all that is.'' (Eckhart Tolle)

Your Sacred Self

You are an internal spirit, not an American or A Chinese or an African. It matters not what sort of body you showed up in, where you arrived geographically or what religion you place after your name. There are no Buddhists or Christians or Muslims or Jews in the no-where.  Those are classifications made to distinguish us from one another in our present form.

Identities are found in a temporary phase in the parenthesis in eternity we call life. Discard these names and you will identify with the realm of the spirit rather than the world of ego. Then you are no longer willing to fight the fight your ancestors who have tried to convince you whom to hate and whom to love. You will no longer participate in the tribal consciousness in which you perceive yourself to be better than another by virtue of your birthplace or skin color. 

Your personal history has trained you in the ways of your tribe. These are limitations that you do not need to have. Let go of that identifications with the labels and choose a new perspective of unity consciousness. You are united with all souls. Their packaging or location is irrelevant. 
Those who are still stuck will call you as a traitor and an ingrate. You will be able to send them love and not take their guilt.
The cries of nationalism, tribalism and theism have been the source of wars and of slaughter of billions of human beings. you know in your heart, as do all who play out this game, that this is a violation of God's laws, that it is inconsistent with the teachings of all the spiritual masters who have ever walked among us. 

Yet the pattern persists. Why? because we hang on to our personal histories as if they were our true identities. Refuse to identify yourself with tribal label.

Seeing yourself as a spiritual being without labels is a way to transform the world and reach sacred place for all of humanity. Begin by making your decision to be free by letting go of your personal history.

When you let go of your personal history, You know that you are not your name, your body, your mind, your occupation, your relationships or your ethnic or cultural identity. So who are you? What is left is the invisible, intangible you.   
- Dr. Wayne Dyer


Maybe some of you are familiar with this You Tube channel called DestiniProductions, it is a girl delivering channeled messages which are really deep and a great inspiration for your life.
I particularly want to share this video today, since it really startled me. It gives totally new insights into interpersonal relationship issues. It resonates so true within me that I was filled with joy and happiness watching it :) Enjoy!!!