Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Philosopher's notes to be continued

haha, while listening to the free download MP3 file 'its not about the money' on the Philosophers Notes website earlier on, I remembered that I wanted to share some of my personal notes here with you. So now I will come back to that! ;)
Today I wish to tell you this: 

Instead of focusing on getting the LOVE, ABUNDANCE, PEACE and FREEDOM that you (might?) want, be the love, abundance, peace and freedom instead. 

This is because the universe constantly mirrors your beliefs. I you think and act like you already have what you want, you will get that. If you're in a state of wanting, or fear, the universe will always show you situations in which you will see your wanting. This applies to every aspect of your life, be it relationships, career, money, home, experiences....

Be the change you want to see in the world, and it will happen (as Gandhi has put it).

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